August 12, 2018
  • Diseases & Conditions
Hepatitis – be aware!

Hepatitis is caused by a virus that infects liver cells and causes inflammation. The inflammation can affect how your liver works and cause other signs and symptoms of hepatitis – Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Rastogi, Specialist Gastroenterology at Canadian Specialist Hospital

  • Diseases & Conditions
Hamstring: the most prevalent injury among sports enthusiasts

Muscle injuries are among the main concerns in sports related injuries, especially in elite teams. Hamstrings are the most common muscles to be injured and are unique in their kind – Dr. Omar Mustafa, Physiotherapist at Canadian Specialist Hospital, Dubai.

July 23, 2018
  • Diseases & Conditions
Residents advised to protect themselves against dust allergies

Visit a doctor if cold-like symptoms persist beyond a week as it could indicate an allergy – Dr. Ali Akbar, Dermatology Specialist at Canadian Specialist Hospital

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