June 23, 2021
  • Men’s Health
Surgical Success -Infertility Couple Conceives at Canadian Specialist Hospital

The husband came to the hospital seeking treatment from our consultant urologist Dr. Muthanna Alrawi. The patient was suffering from azoospermia, a condition of having no sperm, in this case.

May 17, 2021
  • Diseases & Conditions
Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control it and Live Longer

Hypertension affects more than 30 per cent of the adult population worldwide, which is more than one billion people around the world.

May 4, 2021
  • Diseases & Conditions
Asthma – Symptoms and causes

You can get asthma at any age. Asthma is not a contagious disease. You can not catch asthma from other people. Asthma is not caused by one single factor.

March 24, 2021
  • Diseases & Conditions
Understanding Obesity

Fat cells are what reserves our energy. Every time our body is in need of energy, which is all the time, it is these fat cells that give them the required energy to do their tasks. What happens to the fat cells of an obese body is that they expand.

March 10, 2021
  • Diseases & Conditions
Kidney Health – Way More Important Than You Think

Diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure which leads to hypertension, and also other issues like drugs or extra protein diets can be the cause of your eventual kidney failure.

November 8, 2020
  • Diseases & Conditions
Diabetes Foot Care- Why is foot care important?

Diabetes may also reduce blood flow to the feet, making it harder to heal an injury or resist infection. Because of these problems, you may not notice a foreign object in your shoe. As a result, you could develop a blister or a sore. This could lead to an infection or a non-healing wound that could put you at risk for an amputation.

October 13, 2020
  • Diseases & Conditions
Why is Breast Cancer Awareness so Important?

Every year, October, you likely see a wealth of information about breast cancer. And that is a good thing. Awareness surrounding breast cancer is incredibly important as early detection, often through screening, can catch the disease when it is most treatable.

September 28, 2020
  • Physical Health
Physical activities to prevent heart diseases

Pandemic has changed many people’s way of life to a sedentary lifestyle. Well, are you one of them with the practice of a lot of sitting and lying down with very little or no exercise? A large percentage of the people are physically inactive with fewer than 10% engaging in recreational physical activity.

September 20, 2020
  • Beauty & Nutrition
Foods for optimal heart health

If you are looking to prevent heart disease and improve your cardiovascular health, what are the best foods for heart health? Have you considered checking which foods are healthiest for your heart? Studies show that a heart-healthy diet might reduce a person’s risk of cardiovascular diseases by 80 percent.

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